
Anti-Bribery Policy

It is the policy of the Agent to conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner and to consistently apply the letter and spirit of applicable anti-bribery legislation in all business activities.

The Agent adopts a zero tolerance approach to bribery in any form including the giving or receiving of bribes, or the making or taking of facilitation or corrupt payments, and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships wherever services are provided.

The policy prohibits any employee or contract staff from directly or indirectly offering, promising, soliciting or receiving any payment that is in the nature of a bribe, financial or other advantage or other inducement in any form. Additionally, it prohibits the acceptance of or acquiescence in bribery, extortion, facilitation payments or any other unlawful or improper means to obtain or retain business or commercial advantage or to bring about the improper performance of any persons business, public function or activity.

The Agent expects all employees and persons engaged by or associated with the Agent to comply with the policy in performance of their services for or on behalf of the Agent.

Employees are encouraged to report any activity that may contravene this policy.

A full copy of the Anti-Bribery Policy is available upon request.
